
Showing posts from April, 2018


Population Forecasting Geometrical Increase Method Incremental Increase Method Water Supply Water Quality parameters (Primary) Sedimentation Tank Filter Disinfection Sewage Treatment Plant Primary Treatment Secondary Treatment Sewer Design Manning's Equation Air Pollution Concentration of Air Pollutants - ppm to ppb Lapse Rate - ALR , ELR Noise Pollution Noise Standards SPL , Equivalent Noise Solid Waste Management Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW)

About CivilEngineeringTricks4All ( CET4A )

Hello all GATE (CIVIL ENGINEERING) Aspirants ! We all have one goal , GATE . For this we all do a lot of hard work , but lack at one point - Real GATE problems , that have the highest probability of occuring in the GATE exam. We engage ourselves in studying those lengthy theories that , though , are helpful to solve the numericals , but posses less marks in the GATE exam. We skip / forget or give less attention to master those numericals that impact our GATE score tremendously. So , to get a good score in less ( relatively less )  time , I have created this Blog CivilEngineeringTricks4All ( CET4A )  , where we'll be dealing with numericals (along with related theory and tricks) that are frequently asked or have greater probability of occuring in the GATE exam. All I need is your support and best wishes. Thanks